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Ostani post! Temat: Odp: Płacić „kartę” czy nie płacić; oto jest pytanie😉. Autor: Tomasz Dyduch. Czas 2025-01-12 18:27:32.

poprzednia wiadomosc Odp: Filozofia „sztucznej muchy” : : nadesłane przez Piotr.F (postów: 319) dnia 2021-11-17 10:44:58 z *.iftest.ch

Po przeczytaniu kilkunastu postów, trochę się zastanawiałem nad wcześniejszą zawartością i czy odpisywać i pomyślałem sobie, że może warto sprawdzić, jak na muszkarstwo zapatruje się świat i porównać to z napisanym wcześniej. Daleko i długo szukać nie trzeba, a że wujek google czy inny translator potrafi sprawę zalatawic szybko, więc ośmieliłem się wstawić znaleziska w oryginale ... równocześnie zdając sobie sprawę z tego, że spora część użytkowników włada angielskim na tyle dobrze, że będą w stanie odczytać sentecje bez tłumacza i ewtl. dziwnych semantycznych niespodzianek ;)

Fly fishing is an angling method that uses a light-weight lure—called an artificial fly—to catch fish. The fly is cast using a fly rod, reel, and specialized weighted line. The light weight requires casting techniques significantly different from other forms of casting. The flies may resemble natural invertebrates, baitfish, or other food organisms.

Fly fishing can be done in fresh or saltwater. North Americans usually distinguish freshwater fishing between cold-water species (trout, salmon, steelhead) and warm-water species, notably bass. In Britain, where natural water temperatures vary less, the distinction is between game fishing for trout and salmon versus coarse fishing for other species. Techniques for fly fishing differ with habitat (lakes and ponds, small streams, large rivers, bays and estuaries, and open ocean.)

Fly fishing is a type of angling where an artificial lightweight lure is used to catch fish. It is called fly fishing because the artificial lure imitates a real insect (fly). If the fly is presented correctly fish such as trout will think it is a real insect and eat it. The main difference in the setup compared to normal angling is the fishing line. In fly fishing the line is weighted and serves as the weight that casts the bait. This requires significantly different casting techniques than normal angling.

Fly fishing can be practised in freshwater and saltwater alike. In freshwater it can be done in creeks, rivers, streams and stillwater such as ponds or lakes. In saltwater most of the fishing is done in so-called flats. Those are shallow areas of the oceans in regions such as the Caribbean.

If you’ve ever seen someone fly cast, you’ll no doubt have noticed some very distinct differences between fly casting and traditional casting. The angler uses specialized fly fishing equipment to achieve this cast. This includes the purpose build fly rod, fly line, leader, tippet, and fly. The significant difference in casting a fly is that the artificial flies used to catch fish have very little weight to them. Even when you get into fly fishing for bass or pike with the much larger flies, the weight to those is still very minimal in comparison to casting a spinning lure or other traditional bait. So how do you go about getting the fly out to where the fish are? The key is in the fly line. The fly line is the weight in the casting method. By using a casting technique that allows the fly rod and fly line to work together, the weight of the line is used to carry the fly out in front of you by transferring the energy built up in the line down through it and out towards the end of the line.

Fly-fishing, method of angling employing a long rod, typically 7 to 11 feet (2 to 3.5 metres) in length, constructed of carbon fibre, fibreglass, or bamboo, and a simple arbor reel holding a heavy line joined to a lighter nylon leader. The rod is used to cast artificial flies made of hair, feathers, or synthetic materials designed to imitate the natural food sources of the fish. The fly angler snaps the long rod back and forth, allowing the heavier weight of the line to propel the nearly weightless fly forward.

Fly-fishing is believed by its devotees to be the most challenging and fulfilling method of sport fishing. It has inspired a considerable body of technical as well as contemplative literature, the most by far of any angling method.
From its beginnings as an angling method primarily for catching trout and salmon, fly-fishing has grown to include many different species. Freshwater fly anglers catch bass, panfish, pike, and various species of perch. Saltwater fly-fishing continues to grow in popularity for such species as striped bass, bluefish, permit, bonefish, and tarpon. Catch-and-release fly-fishing, which originated in the United States among trout anglers and was popularized by Wulff and her famous fly-fishing husband, Lee Wulff, continues to gain favour worldwide and is increasingly applied to numerous other species and angling methods. Through their participation in conservation groups, fly anglers continue at the forefront of fisheries conservation movements around the world.

Co ciekawe, nie napiszę że wręcz uderzające, ale jednak bardzo specyficzne i od razu wpadające w oko jest to, że nigdzie, ale to nigdzie, nie znajdziemy przesłanek do regulaminów lub innych regulacji, które by mówiły kiedy jesteśmy wędkarzem muchowym, a kiedy nie – dla mnie to takie sowieckie.

Wędkarstwo, nie tylko muchowe, czyli forma aktywnego spedzania czasu, nie jest i nie powinno być definiowane przez regulaminy (one są od tego, aby regulować sytuację prawną na danym łowisku i nic więcej) ale przez specyfikę podawania (sztucznej) przynęty – tutaj muchy.

Osobiście widzę w tym spory kawałek indywidualnego podejścia do hobby czy nawet pasji, wewnętrzną postawę lub po prostu mindset.

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  Odp: Filozofia „sztucznej muchy” [5] 17.11 10:57
  Odp: Filozofia „sztucznej muchy” [4] 17.11 13:15
  Odp: Filozofia „sztucznej muchy” [3] 17.11 23:36
  Odp: Filozofia „sztucznej muchy” [2] 18.11 09:29
  Odp: Filozofia „sztucznej muchy” [1] 18.11 23:12
  Odp: Filozofia „sztucznej muchy” [0] 19.11 09:50
  Odp: Filozofia „sztucznej muchy” [0] 17.11 12:02

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