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Ostani post! Temat: Odp: Jaką Wędkę do metody żyłkowej polecacie?. Autor: S.R. Czas 2024-09-05 11:50:52.

poprzednia wiadomosc Odp: Węglowy Shakespeare 255 #5(?) i linka #10 Airflo Sniper : : nadesłane przez Piotr.F (postów: 305) dnia 2024-07-15 11:38:08 z 178.197.202.*

Jedni twierdzą, że:
The first rod to use graphite in the construction was the Shakespeare Dr. Howald Purist of 1967. It had a graphite male ferrule. Henry Shakespeare told me that they had gotten their hand on some graphite material in the late 60's (when it was still a closely guarded aerospace and military material not available to the sport industry). The material at the time cost $1000.00 per pound. They had built a few prototype all-graphite rods using the Howald method and taken them to the NAFTMA trade show. This was before Fenwick tried graphite, but the Fenwick team saw these rods and where able to develope and bring their rods to market sooner. Henry did say that Fenwick gave them the idea for the name of the later generation of rods when one of the Fenwick salesmen saw these prototype graphites and said "Man, those are some ugly sticks! Shakespeare made the first graphite blanks for Orvis, before Orvis was able to convert their manufacturing over to graphite. If you look at an early Orvis, you'll see that the blank construction and ferrules are identical to the Graflites.

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